Strama-MPS develops special-purpose machinery, equipment and complete solutions for the production, assembly and testing of complex technical components and products. International technology groups appreciate our engineering expertise, the experience and the certainty: We lead your project to success.
Since 2011 Strama-MPS has a subsidiary in China supplying the local market with custom machines. With the establishment of the Strama-MPS Machinery Taicang Ltd. the company responded to the rapidly growing demand of their customers in China.
Since 2014 Strama-MPS U.S. Inc. in the USA supplies custom machines on the American market.
Close to the Volkswagen location in Puebla the Mexican subsidiary Strama-MPS Maquinaria México S. de R.L. de C.V. was started for the planning of assembly systems, machining centers, cleaning machines and adjustment technology for the Central and South American Market.